(Re-) Introducing Soul
Rob MacDonald
Welcome back to the Halcyon podcast and more specifically to another exclusive mini-series in which we're (re-)introducing the magnificent 'Soul: Beyond the Athlete' by Jonathan Harding.
Soul investigates how much football cares about developing the person as much as the player, and (spoiler alert!) how much more there is to do to address the real cost of being in football and the unhealthy playing field that currently exists.
In this short introduction, Rob does some blethering and then Jonathan shares the Prologue. Below, we've got two exclusive audio chapters, and an extended conversation between Jonathan and Ryan Hunn of the Stadio podcast about some of the issues around people and performance raised in the book.
Soul is NOW AVAILABLE ON SALE FROM US! Less than a tenner for a little more soul in your life - what's not to love about that. Special thanks to Ryan and also to Jonathan for all their audio efforts. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast for more features and interviews, and follow us on social media for announcements, new titles and special offers.
Listen to Chapter 1: Denmark Listen to Chapter 6: Well-being Listen to Jonathan and Ryan's chat about the book: